Tuesday, April 9, 2013

H is for Honey

I've used honey occasionally, but in the past year, I have decided that honey has to be a staple in my house.  I've been drinking much more hot tea lately, and honey is the best sweetener for hot tea.  I've also been reading more about honey as a home remedy, curing what ails you and keeping you fit.

In the past two weeks, I came down with bronchitis.  I was determined to knock it out, but I really dislike antibiotics.  In my reading, I had discovered that honey and cinnamon is a great remedy for many illnesses and diseases.  So I mixed a 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon with a tablespoon of honey and simply ate that every morning for a few days (about five days into my sickness) and my wheezing, coughing, drainage disappeared.  I've been drinking a cup of decaffeinated, citrus herb tea with honey in it once a day, too.  I'm feeling much better!

Thanks to our family friends for supplying us with some great honey!


Kathe W. said...

Hah! you and I are in the same H page today! Cheers and Happy Tuesday!

Jen said...

I <3 honey!

Rowena said...

I love honey roasted carrots, try them they are yummy!

Unknown said...

Is it only me who dislike honey?

-A fellow Blogger from A to Z!