Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why I Give to My Alma Mater

At our weekly card night, we were all discussing our weekend plans, and I mentioned that I was spending part of my Saturday at my alma mater, Meredith College, with a handful of alumnae and the alumnae director, reconnecting folks with our college and doing the soft sale for making a gift to the college.

My friends really didn't understand why I would give money to my alma mater. "People pay tuition. Don't they have enough funding? We don't get it."

My question is Why wouldn't I give back to my college?

Ultimately for me, it's really never a question of why or why not, it's how much! I had such a great educational and coming-of-age experience at my college that I want other women to have the opportunity to get the same great education and experience that I had.

So here's my list of reasons of why I give:
  1. Tuition does not cover the entire cost of the education. Alumnae donations make up the difference.
  2. It's intrinsic: If you believe in a cause, institution, organization, then you should support it.
  3. More women in strong, influential, top positions attended women's colleges. There are benefits to single gender education.
  4. The percentage of alumnae giving is vital to the college for receiving grants and outside funding. If we ain't giving, why would someone on the "outside" want to give?
  5. Traditions: Cornhuskin', Spring Fling, Class Day, daisy chains, hunting for the crook, ring dinners, luminaries, Honor Code, clubs and associations
  6. Giving keeps me connected with the college, participating on committees and boards, staying in touch with the changing campus and community.
  7. Giving makes me feel good!
Do you give back to your alma mater?

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