Sunday, April 23, 2017


On this Sunday morning, I was thinking about some of my favorite hymns and this one came to mind.

I know that Jennine loved the newer Christian praise and worship tunes, like songs from Casting Crowns, Danny Gokey, Matthew West, and Chris Tomlin.  I don't remember us ever talking about classic, old school hymns and whether any of those spoke to her.  So many of them still speak to me from my childhood in my little home church.

The Old Rugged Cross was my paternal grandmother's favorite hymn, and at this time of Easter, death and resurrection, today it speaks to me.

No more pain and no more suffering, Jennine has laid down her trophies at last and has exchanged them for her crown in heaven.


1 comment:

Janet said...

Just read through your tribute to your friend. It is beautifully written. Thanks for sharing.
O is fo Old Time Rock and Roll