Tuesday, January 5, 2010


It's NaBloPoMo , or National Blog Posting Month (even though technically it's NaBloPoMo every month!), and I'm committing myself to post every day. It appears I'm already five days behind!

But that's the trouble with making resolutions, isn't it? We rarely stick with them. We shoot for the perfect, all-or-nothing, and when we don't achieve it, or we have one back step, we completely give up.

Well, this year that's not happening! It's not that I haven't made any resolutions. I have. I have made the same three that I make every year:
  1. Do something to improve my health.
  2. Do something to improve my intellect.
  3. Do something to improve my spirit.

What will be different about this year? I'm not going to beat myself up when I backslide. It will be okay if I over indulge on an extra piece of cake, or if I oversleep and don't make it to church, or if I put a book down and don't finish it. It's not the end of the world, and it's not the end of my resolve.

So I'll keep writing, and hoping that I can post every day, but if I don't, I'm not going to beat myself up over it. I'll just write the following day!

Happy new year, folks!

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